How to install Cyberpanel 

Step 1: Log in to Your VPS Using SSH

First, log in to your VPS using your SSH credentials. This can be done using an SSH client like PuTTY (for Windows) or the terminal (for Linux and macOS).

Step 2: Update and Upgrade the Server

Before installing CyberPanel, it’s crucial to update and upgrade your server’s packages to ensure compatibility and security. Use the following command to update and upgrade your server:


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

This command updates the package lists and installs the latest versions of the packages.

Step 3: Install CyberPanel and OpenLiteSpeed

To install CyberPanel and OpenLiteSpeed, run the following command:


sudo su - -c "sh <(curl || wget -O -"

This command downloads and executes the CyberPanel installation script. Follow the prompts during the installation:

  • Enter 1 for “Install CyberPanel”.
  • Enter 1 for “Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed”.
  • Press Y to install PowerDNS, Postfix, and Pure-FTPd.
  • Press N to avoid allowing your database to be installed on a remote server.
  • Press Enter to install the latest version of CyberPanel.
  • Press Y to install Memcached.
  • Press Y to install Redis.
  • Press Y to install Watchdog.

After the installation is completed, save the provided credentials in a safe place. Restart the server by pressing Y.

Step 4: Log in to the CyberPanel Control Panel

Once the server restarts, you can access the CyberPanel control panel by navigating to


in your web browser. Replace <ServerIP> with your server’s IP address.

Step 5: SSL the Control Panel Connection

To secure the control panel connection with SSL, you need to add a CNAME record in DNS pointing to your server IP. For example, use a subdomain like Then, create a website in CyberPanel and issue an SSL certificate from

SSL > Hostname SSL

Step 6: Install ImunifyAV AntiVirus

Next, we will install ImunifyAV AntiVirus to protect our server from malware and other threats. Navigate to the security menu in CyberPanel and select ImunifyAV, then click Install Now. Once the installation is complete, press “Access Now” to open the ImunifyAV panel. You will need to log in with your root account credentials.

Step 7: Install and Configure the CSF Firewall

To enhance the server’s security, install the CSF (ConfigServer Security & Firewall). Go to the security menu in CyberPanel and select CSF, then click Install Now. Once the installation is complete, navigate to

Security > Firewall

to open the CSF panel.

Optional Steps for Maximum Protection

These steps are optional but recommended for enhancing your server’s security.

Adding a Static IP to the CSF Whitelist

If you have a static IP address, you can whitelist it in CSF to allow access to your server only from this IP:

Go to

Security > CSF > csf - ConfigServer Firewall > Firewall Allow IP

Enter your static IP and click “Change”, then “Restart csf+lfd”.

Adding DDNS to the CSF Whitelist

If you don’t have a static IP, you can use Dynamic DNS (DDNS) instead:

Go to

Security > CSF > lfd - Login Failure Daemon > lfd Dynamic DNS

Enter your DDNS and click “Change”, then “Restart csf+lfd”.

Enable DDNS storage to automatically update the IP:

Navigate to

Security > CSF > csf - ConfigServer Firewall > Firewall Configuration > Global Lists/DYNDNS/Blocklists

Find “DYNDNS” and set the number to 60, then click “Change” and “Restart csf+lfd”.

Blocking Access to Specific Ports

To further secure your server, block access to the CyberPanel, FTP, and SSH ports:

Go to

Security > CSF > csf - ConfigServer Firewall > Firewall Configuration > IPv4 Port Settings

Delete the ports 8090 and 7080 from TCP_IN and UDP_IN.

Click “Change”, then “Restart csf+lfd”.

Test your access to


to ensure you can still log in.

Repeat the steps to block ports 2021, and 22.


By following these steps, you will have a secure and well-configured CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed on your Ubuntu server. This setup provides a robust platform for hosting websites while ensuring security against potential threats.

In order to read the following explanation of this series, you can click on the following link Installation utilities Webmin, Docker, and Portainer with CyberPanel and Opening of the Openlitespeed Control Panel


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